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Questions & Answers


  • What to expect at Ankeny Presbyterian Church
    We gather for worship every Sunday at 9:30 am. Each service is based on a Bible reading followed by a sermon. The sermons are progressive and inclusive and contain illustrations that relate the scripture to daily life and often add an element of humor. Our services also include hymns and worship songs from the Presbyterian Hymnal, accompanied by piano or organ, and sometimes with more diverse arrangements created using midi technology. (We are old-school in that we don’t have a band). The adult choir sings an anthem during most services throughout the school year. We say the Lord’s Prayer and receive a blessing at the end of each service. Following worship, there is an optional time of fellowship at which coffee, cookies, and lemonade are served as we get to know each other better. Our services typically last for one hour.
  • What kind of church are you?
    Ankeny Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We reflect the values of progressive Christianity and welcome full participation by all people regardless of race, sex, class, orientation, or identity. Each of our members and guests is on a faith journey of some sort. Many are mature in their faith while others are just beginning that journey. We celebrate the fact that God meets us wherever we are on that journey. To learn more about what makes the Presbyterian Church unique, see these pages on our website: Who We Are and What We Believe.
  • What should I wear?
    It doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t care. You’re welcome to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Most people dress in a casual way.
  • Will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
    No. Understanding that this makes most folks uncomfortable, we do not ask guests to introduce themselves during the worship service. You’ll find a Welcome Table in Fellowship Hall where you can ask questions before or after your visit. When you come into the sanctuary, you’ll have the option of signing a visitor register or welcome card if you wish to share your contact information. At one point during the service, worshipers are invited to move about and individually greet each other as a sign of Christ’s peace.
  • Do I have to become a member of the church?
    Only if you want to. Throughout the year we offer opportunities to learn about membership for individuals who want to join the church as a member.
  • Do I have to be a Christian to attend?
    By no means! Any and all people are welcome to take part in or observe our worship services, although the services themselves are distinctly Christian in nature.
  • When you celebrate Communion, do I have to participate?
    You certainly do not have to. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month as part of the worship service. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has an open communion practice in which anyone who seeks to be in relationship with God is welcome at the table. If you have trouble getting around, the communion servers will bring the communion elements to you. Otherwise, worshipers are invited to come forward to receive a piece of bread and a small cup of non-alcoholic grape juice. A gluten-free option is available.
  • Can I bring kids to the service?
    Please do! Infants and children of all ages are welcome. Elementary school-aged children have the option of going to a children’s church experience after the choir anthem during the school year. There is a staffed nursery available for the youngest children during worship.
  • Do you pass an offering plate?
    We do, although we have no expectation that guests will make an offering. Your presence is gift enough!
  • Do you baptize people?
    Yes, at any age. For those who are at that place in their faith-journey and ready to follow Jesus Christ, the Presbyterian Church (USA) has a formal baptism rite, normally conducted as part of a worship service. The children of members are likewise eligible for baptism. In the Presbyterian tradition, the baptism ritual is conducted by the pastor and includes placing a small amount of water from the baptismal font onto the head of the person being baptized. If you have been baptized with water in any other Christian denomination, it is honored by the Presbyterian Church.
  • Is there Sunday school?
    We provide a children’s church program for elementary school aged children during worship throughout the school year.
  • Do you offer Bible-study classes?
    Yes, Bible study classes are offered on Sunday mornings after worship and during the week throughout the school year.
  • Can I come just for Sunday worship, or could I get involved in other activities?
    You can be as involved as your time and energy and inclination allow. Some of our members and visitors cannot attend Sunday worship but are regularly involved in church-related activities during the week.
  • Are your services streamed?
    Yes, we stream our Sunday services via our website. Archived services are available on YouTube through a link on our website as well.
  • Is there someone I can contact for other information?
    Of course! Call or email Pastor Eric. ( or 515-964-0264).


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